When warmer temps start to appear in the early spring and summer months, pet parents may begin to notice more fleas on their pets. And yes, even with a treatment regimen, those pesky fleas can still surface and cause havoc on your dog.

Here’s an overview of this itchy season and understanding how to better combat fleas.

Understanding The Flea Life Cycle

One of the reasons pet parents may think their flea control is not working is because of a flea’s life cycle. A flea has four stages which include:

  • Adult Flea
  • Larvae
  • Pupae
  • Egg

When a flea leaves the pupae and locates its host (such as your dog), it will live there it’s entire lifespan. One of the most common myths is that fleas jump from pet to pet. Once it finds a host, it will remain there.

A flea life cycle can range from a few weeks to several weeks, depending on warm temperatures. In other words, the higher the temps, the longer it takes to eradicate the flea issues.

How Fleas Appear On Treated Dogs

There are a few reasons why fleas still appear on pets even after their flea treatments. These include but are not limited to, the following:

Fleas can already be residing in your home.

After treatment, fleas may become more active before it comes into contact with the ingredients.

Outside, fleas hop on your dog.

What’s A Pet Parent To Do?

Pet parents can arm themselves with knowledge when it comes to combating fleas. That said, it’s essential to understand that these insects don’t go away in a snap — it actually may take anywhere from a month or two to get rid of these pests because of their life cycle. Additionally, female fleas lay up to 50 eggs daily, which makes that battle tougher.

Here are the steps pet parents can take to eradicate fleas:

More than 90 percent of the flea infestation is happening in either your home, garden, or backyard, so it’s essential to treat flea infestation areas. Treatment may include household or outdoor pest spray, or more holistic ingredients, such as diatomaceous earth.

If you take your dog to the park and believe the infestations were there, avoid the park until the flea treatment takes hold.

Speak to your veterinarian about the effectiveness of either oral or topical flea treatment. Be sure to follow the instructions carefully on the application and dosage of the medication. Also, talk with your vet regarding the pros and cons of flea collars and whether or not this is the right choice.

Getting Rid Of Fleas Takes Time

Eradicating a flea infestation may take longer than you think — it’s all about treating the environment and your pet. It’s also important to note that even though your dog is on a treatment for fleas, it does not mean that fleas won’t hop on them. Once they do, and they come into contact with the treatment, those fleas will likely disappear within 24 hours.

According to professionals, in the long run, the best advice is to have a preventative flea treatment versus a reactive flea treatment.