Just like people, there are a variety of reasons why dog frustration happens. Frustration in dogs can occur inside the house, outdoors, or both.

Here’s what pet parents need to know about dog frustration and what they can do to help mitigate it.

Why Does Frustration Happen In Dogs?

Go ahead and think about the different types of frustrations that take place in our own lives. The core of it is when actions or happenings do not meet our expectations. From tailgaters on the road to hiring someone who doesn’t do the job they are asked to do, frustration can penetrate from any angle.

For dogs, the frustration stems from other things which trigger confusion or conflict such as the following:

  • Backyard fence fighting with a neighbor dog(s)
  • Putting a dog into a situation that they want no part of in the first place 
  • Pulling on a leash during a walk which may develop into frustration/fear aggression towards individuals and dogs.

And more.

One example of the above list, “Putting a dog into a situation they don’t want to be in,” could include something as simple as a dog park. Just like people may be introverts and not care for gatherings, some dogs just don’t like socializing with other dogs for reasons of their own, like nervous tendencies. Instead, these dogs would rather spend time with their family pack.

Figuring Out Those Dog Frustration Triggers

Pet parents need to figure out what the root causes are, which are developing the frustration. Is it occurring at the dog beach or dog parks? Are they reacting towards dogs of a specific size, gender, or energy level? Are they frustrated with visitors coming to the home or meeting individuals out and about in public?

Keep a log of these triggers and assess if there are any commonalities and reach out to a professional dog trainer for guidance and direction.

Pet Parents Are Not Alone

First and foremost, reactive issues in dogs, such as fear and/or frustration-aggression is very common. Pet parents need to reach out to a professional dog trainer that is skilled in this type of reactivity.

“I would say that roughly 90 percent of the dog training cases I take on are reactivity cases,” said San Diego dog trainer David Greene of Performance K9 Training.” Greene added, “It’s my job to figure out what’s causing the reactivity and provide that insight to the pet parents. Next, we build that training bridge so we can achieve the goals that these pet parents and their dogs need to find harmony both inside and outside of their home.”

Why Obedience Skills Minimize Dog Frustration

For Greene, obedience skills are more than sit, stay, and recall. These skills need to be cemented when there are distractions. The more polished obedience skills and structure a dog has will help mitigate frustration. When this falls into place, a dog can be guided toward learning and understanding impulse control.

Need More Help?

Performance K9 Training is regarded for helping pet parents with dog frustration cases. Dogs and their pet parents are offered a comprehensive behavioral modification program geared toward a variety of dog frustration issues. Contact us now to learn more about how we can help!