People don’t seem to mind much when puppies jump on them for attention. Who can resist a puppy, right? But when that puppy grows into a 50+ pound dog with the potential to knock someone over, then that’s a different matter altogether.

Here are some pet parent tips on how to train your dog not to jump on you or guests.

Why Do Dogs Jump On People?

Dogs jump on people for a variety of reasons. That said, back in the day when they were puppies, they likely jumped on their moms for feeding time and attention, and their littermates, for playtime.

Dogs may jump on their owners or others for the following reasons:

  • A learned behavior over time in greeting people
  • A lack of confidence or stress
  • Too much energy
  • Excitement

Regardless of the reason, dogs who jump, have learned that it’s a way of getting attention.

How To Train Your Dog Not To Jump On You

One method of teaching your dog or puppy not to jump on you is to turn your back to them. Please don’t use your hands as they will associate hands with attention. Continue doing this until they understand that jumping is not getting the attention they desired. Using a “training word” such as “no,” will help teach a dog to stop what they are doing.

If your dog knows the sit command, incorporate this skill, and once they settle into a sit position and calm down, then feel free to praise them for a job well done.

How To Train Your Dog Not To Jump On Guests

Many dog trainers like using the method of a barrier, which may come in the form of a baby gate or x-pen. When guests come over, keep your dog behind the barrier. Some pet parents give treats so their dogs associate guests with a good thing.

Once your dog is calm behind the barrier, attach their leash, and have them walk towards your guests. Before you reach your guests, have them sit a few times on the way, so they are in a “training” mindset. If they start pulling on the lead, do an about turn to get your dog’s attention back to you.

When you ultimately reach your guests, have your dog sit down politely in front of them for either a treat or affection.

Another variation of the barrier is once your dog is calm behind it, have your guest approach your dog, and have them ask your dog to sit. Once your dog sits politely, your guest can give them a treat.

The end goal is to have your dog sit good-naturedly for both you and your guests.

Working with a dog trainer is ideal in these instances as they can provide the best method since they will know your dog’s temperament and energy level.

Advancing To The Place Command

Teaching a dog a “place command” is the ultimate goal in training. Their “place” could be a mat, dog bed, or raised dog cot. This “place” is a happy one teaching dogs that this is their spot to relax, decompress, and be patient.

When guests come over, the place command is an optimal skill that many pet parents seek as it can be utilized in a variety of situations.

When in doubt, always remember to reward good behaviors and ignore the bad ones.

Still Having Challenges? We Can Help!

Performance K9 Training has helped countless pet parents in all areas of obedience training. Contact us today to learn more about how we can help you and your family!